
Transactions represent events that are performed on the blockchain. This section describes the general structure and components of a transaction.

Table of contents

  1. Transaction
  2. Raw Transaction
  3. Signed Transaction

Raw Transaction

Field Description
Nonce The number of transactions sent from the sender’s address.
ChainID Identity of the target chain where the transaction will be executed
Action The action to be performed in the transaction, for example sending money to an account or calling a contract function.
Gas The maximum amount of gas allocated for the transaction The amount of gas indicates the maximum transaction cost required to perform the transaction.
Gas Price Gas price payable per transaction. Gas represents the calculation amount required to execute the transaction.
Value Specifies the amount of assets to be transferred in the transaction, for example the amount of currency or tokens.
Data Additional data associated with the transaction.

Signed Transaction

Field Description
Raw Transaction RawTransaction structure containing the unsigned transaction.
Signature Contains the digital signature used to sign the transaction.
Hash A summary value representing the unique identifier of the transaction.
Timestamp The timestamp indicating when the transaction was executed.

These components contain the basic features of a transaction. Documentation will continue to be developed throughout the process.